Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - Top 3 Lessons

I thought of briefly sharing the top three lessons I learnt in 2010.

1. I’ve been reading and studying the Bible ever since I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. At the beginning of this year, we were given a one-year Bible reading plan and we were asked to follow it. Initially, I was not very convinced about the idea of reading the Bible in one year, because I was used to studying smaller portions of the Scripture for my daily devotions. However, I started following this plan ‘out of compulsion’:) But, as I started reading more, I found that I started loving the Word of God more than ever. Memorising Scripture became easier than ever. Going forward, I started realizing that I have been following some ‘Christian’ traditions, listening to some ‘Christian’ messages and singing certain ‘Christian’ songs that are not really Biblical. I also learnt the importance of checking with the Bible if what preachers preach and authors write are based on the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Also, there is no use in just reading, meditating and studying the Word of God. What ultimately matters is putting it into practice. Blessed are those who obey what the Scripture says. (Psalm 119:1,2,9; James 1:22 - 25)

2.I learnt a lot about work this year and the Lord has helped me to change my attitude towards work. I had to learn this in a difficult situation. Our team was going through a lot of pressure for a few months. In that situation, most of my colleagues decided to resign their jobs and they did. I was also tempted to do that:) But the Lord wonderfully strengthened me through His Word. Every morning, when I would be worried and confused about facing the day, I was lead to verses that meant so much to me in that situation. I even remember praying that God would not take me through this tough time. I somehow wanted to escape. But now, looking back I am grateful to God for taking me through those difficult times. (Heb 12:11) Here are a few things I learnt about work: Eph 6: 5-8, Col 3:22-24, Eccl 3:22, Romans 13:1-7, Phil 2:14-15, I Peter 2:13-21.

(I urge you to take the time and read these verses)

3. Another major lesson I learnt this year is about trials. Of course, I learnt it through trials! This is the passage I am often reminded of: James 1:2-5. This is how we are commanded to respond to trials: rejoice! (I Peter 1:6,7) Blessed are we when we persevere under trials (James 1:12). We need to follow Jesus’ example of enduring trials (Heb 12:1-11) It is through trials that we are made stronger.

Thanks to be to God for His Grace that keeps us going.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The One

The One Who holds the sun and the stars is the One Who holds my future.
He is never late.

The One Who rules the universe with His word is the One Who ordained my days.
He is never chaotic.

The One Who painted the skies and coloured the flowers is the One Who formed me.
He is never out of ideas.

The One Who feeds the birds and clothes the plants is the One Who protects me.
He is never careless.

The One Who can’t stand the sight of sin is the One Who paid for my sin.
He is very gracious.

The One Who died in my place is the One Who overcame death.
He is very loving.

The One Who owns everything is the One Who became nothing for me.
He is very generous.

The One Way, Truth and the Life is the One Who longs for your love and mine.
I can’t but fall in love with You, Jesus!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A walk in the graveyard!

Recently, my sister and I got an opportunity to take a stroll in a graveyard. It was actually fun to amble there, reading the epitaphs. We couldn’t spend much time there, because there were other things we had to do. As we read what was written on each epitaph, I tried to get a vague idea of the kind of person that lay there. Wonder if my guesses were right! Some of them, perhaps, loved their family; one, I recollect, was “a very faithful wife”. There was so much mention of all that on those inspiring epitaphs. There is one I vividly remember, which says “His delight was in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditated day and night”. What a verse to be written on an epitaph! After those few minutes I spent there, I so fell in love with that place, that my mother was joking about having me buried there when I die.

Death – a creepy topic for discussion?! “That’s not something to be discussed. Let’s talk about something good”, I’ve heard some of my friends shun. My argument... If it is fine to discuss about career plans, marriage plans and retirement benefits, what is wrong with discussing ‘death’? After all, death is a reality all of us are going to face. The earth might have to bear some of us for 80 or 100 years. Who knows, you or I could live to be just 30 or 40! We can do nothing to evade death.

Talking of epitaphs, death and graveyard, I start wondering what really matters after I am dead and gone. Only an epitaph stands there bearing your name. Also, perhaps, family and friends talking about you for a decade or two. What happens to you?? All the money that you sweated your brow for, the name that you toiled for, the dream house you meticulously planned for, the luxurious car you proudly owned and your body that you cared so much for – none of these are with you. They do not belong to you anymore!

Common sense would tell you that if you had lived a good life, you will end up in heaven, while the bad ones are thrown into hell. In this world that believes in no absolute truth, what is good and what is bad? If you and I were to decide that, heaven and hell would be in chaos. I could call myself ‘good’, but my neighbour would say that I am the worst person she has ever seen! But, when we compare ourselves with God’s standards, we would realise that none of us qualify! That’s why the Bible says “...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. No one deserves to be in heaven, because we are all sinners.

Before you think that’s the end of the story, wait to know the good news. The good news is that sinless Jesus was born in human form and He became a sacrifice for our sins. “God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood.” Jesus willingly died a cruel death and came back alive!

Now, is that of any use, when I die? The answer is: “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Believe in the sacrifice for sin that Jesus has already paid on the cross, and that’s the way to heaven!! If you know where you are going, death is nothing to be scared of.

"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

Monday, June 21, 2010

Is Prayer Holy?

You might have heard it said “God answers all prayers. He answers ‘YES’, ‘NO’ or ‘WAIT’.” But, did you know there are some kinds of prayers that the Lord doesn’t answer or even listen to?

God does not listen when you pray with wrong motives. (James 4:3)

When you pray without obeying the Word of God, your prayers are not heard. In fact, such prayers are detestable to God! (Proverbs 28:9)

If you enjoy sinning and you pray, the Lord does not listen to your prayers. (Psalm 66:18, Isaiah 1:15)

You could go on and add to the list.

Though God is our best friend and He is Emmanuel, we need to be aware that we are talking to the GOD Almighty. (Eccl. 5: 1 – 7)

Often, we do not know what we need to pray for, because we do not know the mind of the Spirit. Before you think “Well, I already have my list of things to pray for”, check out Romans 8: 26 and 27.

How then should we pray? When we ask according to the will of God, He hears us. (I John 5: 14, 15) The best example to follow is Jesus Himself. What was His attitude in prayer? Read Hebrews 5:7 to know.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Attention please!

Voices!! We hear them all the time. It could be the chattering voice (or rather noise) of people around. What do they talk about? Depends! Sometimes, we don't care. Some topics interest us and we contribute to the conversation. At times, we merely listen. If not, we turn our ears off that voice.
There is another kind of voice that hardly stops. This is the voice that says "you are tired. Why don't you sleep? This work is boring after all!" or "you said the right thing. You don't have to apologise." Whose voice? Yours. The mind is always at work, talking something to you about everything. As if all these voices were not enough, there is also the sound of music ringing in the ears. For some who are addicted to music, this sound is constantly around.
Whatever kind of voice, there is some voice talking to us all the time. The loudest voice, I think, is our own voice. It directs what you do and how you make decisions. Well, mentioning about the loudest voice, there is also the softest voice. As you might have guessed... it is the sweet, meek and loving voice of God. But, we hardly stop to listen to that voice. Is that voice too low that we hardly hear it? Not exactly. The problem is that we hardly tune in to hear that voice. When we are tuned to that gentle voice, the voice of God is really loud and clear. It's audible indeed!
Amidst all other voices, or rather, away from all these voices, let's take time to tune in to the voice of God and to remain tuned. He is waiting for us to listen to Him!! He's got lots to tell you...