Friday, December 15, 2023

Not Feeling Christmassy?

‘Tis the season to be jolly, but that’s nothing close to how you are feeling? The tree is decked, the décor and lights are up, Christmas music is playing in the background, but those are not enough to lift your mood? Or worse, you don’t even feel like decorating for Christmas? You see everyone being so excited and looking festive, but you just can’t join the merriment. Or, you just pretend to blend in? There could be many reasons why. May be, you are mourning the passing on of a loved one, caring for a sick family member, recovering from sickness yourself, trying to keep up with a Christmas to-do list, or just dealing with the chaos and busyness of life in general.

If that describes you, you are in good company! Guess what? The very first Christmas wasn’t very jolly either. While young Mary and Joseph had just been processing the newly-bestowed, immense responsibility of becoming parents of the Messiah, Joseph had to take his very pregnant wife on a long journey to Bethlehem, far from home, well before the days of airplanes or trains. And, after arriving at their destination, they could find no guest room! They had to wrap their divine baby in cloths and place Him in a manger. No fancy clothes, not even a bed or a crib. That doesn’t sound very Christmassy, does it? No background music playing or no angels singing 'Gloria' as the young couple held newborn Jesus. Only a smelly stable and shepherds who had hurried to see the Savior. This was indeed a grand moment, as the Almighty became a baby, so He could open the doors of salvation to humankind. We would expect a path free of inconveniences for the King of Kings. Yet, He identified with us, even in His birth, and chose to live our kind of life.

So, that’s it? Nothing special about Christmas? Should we just return to the mundane and forget all about the celebration? No, wait! The angel announced to the shepherds at the birth of Jesus: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.” (Luke 2:10) Yes, great joy! Because Jesus was born, you and I, who put our trust in Him, can have eternal life. We can enjoy joy and peace when we have a relationship with God. This kind of joy that comes from Him is deeper and long-lasting than the Christmas feeling that comes from lights and music. Even when don’t feel ‘Christmassy’ we can have Christ’s joy and peace. The kind that, I believe, Mary and Joseph had. Now, that’s so much better, because we can experience it even in the midst of the hardships of life, and all the time, not just every December.

On the other hand, if you are in a phase of dancing to Christmas music and enjoying everything about the celebration, go on! There is surely a time for festivities. Just remember the Christ of Christmas and enjoy this and every season.