Friday, August 23, 2013

Are You Rich?

Think about this: Are you rich?

If you are like most people, your answer would be "No". If you are asked to name a few people who are rich, you would have a few names. Interestingly, most people do not admit that they are rich. They would feel rich if only they had a little more than they have. That's an unachievable target! Click here to read Gallup's poll on what people consider rich.

I have never considered myself rich. Whenever I heard sermons about rich people or read verses about rich people, I have always thought they are addressed to someone else.

A sermon I heard recently helped me see things in a different perspective. There are people who think you are rich. If you are reading this from your computer/tablet/phone, you are probably rich. (I am rich too!) If you have more than your basic needs met, you are probably rich. Of course, richness is a relative term. That's exactly my point. If you compare yourself to a person who has more than you do, you appear poorer. If you look at a person who has less than you do, you are rich! As long as there is someone who has less than you do, you are rich!

Now that you know you are rich, is it a good thing or bad? We need to acknowledge that God is our Provider (unless the money you have is earned in ungodly ways). The Bible has a lot to say about the rich, the scariest of which is Matthew 19:24 (" is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.") When Jesus spoke about rich people, He must have referred to it more as the condition of the heart.

Many are quick to point out that money itself is not the root of evil, only the love of money is. While it is easy to get away saying that I don't love money, I must be careful not to want more than I have. "Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, “I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." (Hebrews 13:5) After all, we follow a Master Who had to borrow a coin to illustrate His message (Mark 12:15)!

May the Lord help us to keep our eyes fixed on Him, Who is eternal and not on the fleeting earthly treasures that are of absolutely no value the moment you take your last breath.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Caught Praying

Daniel's co-workers were jealous of him. "The administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. Finally these men said, “We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God.”" (Daniel 6:4,5) Soon, they came up with a plan - one that involved Daniel's prayer life. The only thing Daniel could be accused of was his prayer life!

Daniel's prayer life was so consistent that it was used as the basis for charges against him. He continued to pray three times a day, irrespective of the laws of the land. He did not increase his prayer in the time of need, nor did he shy away from prayer in an attempt to protect his life. He was consistent in prayer - same time, same place and same position, everyday. (Daniel 6:10)

People knew about Daniel's prayer life. The administrators and satraps knew about it (Daniel 6:5). Darius also knew how faithfully Daniel served God (Daniel 6:16, 20). Jesus did warn against making a show of your prayer. Jesus' warning was against prayer motivated by people's praises, like the Pharisees did. That's quite different from the way Daniel prayed. He prayed even when it could cost his life.

It wasn't hard for Daniel's conspirators to catch him praying. They knew exactly when and where they could catch him 'red-handed'. How easy is it for others to catch you praying? Can you be accused of your prayer life?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I'm Now a Mom!

Me, a mom?? Hard to believe. It was as if yesterday when I was a carefree kid. But it’s been four months since I officially became the mother of a cute little guy!! John Baruch made his entry into the world on December 13th, 2012. He was expected to be born four weeks later. But God’s timings are different from ours.

It was my 36-week scheduled doctor visit. Danny had taken permission from office to take me to the doctor during his lunch break. As soon as I entered the hospital, my bag of waters broke (which means labour is near). The doctor examined me and I was admitted in the hospital for labour. Isn’t it too early? I am not even full-term. As Danny and I sat there that afternoon, recollecting all that had been happening, we knew God’s timings are perfect and He had been preparing us for that day. Not just us. Even our home was all set for the arrival of our little one. The crib was ready, so were his clothes and the car seat. We had even bought diapers. It surprises me that we were so prepared four weeks in advance, more so since Danny usually prefers doing things at the last minute. Friends had gifted us a variety of baby things. Yeah, friends whom we had known for hardly eight months in this foreign country!

In a few hours, I’ll be delivering the baby, how did we feel? Of course, it was a mixture of feelings. But if I have to point to one, we knew that God is in perfect control. It was just the two of us at the hospital. My mom was supposed to come in another two weeks, but her first grandson decided to come earlier.

Rewind to ‘one year back’…

A few months into our marriage, I came across this Bible passage in Luke 1:16-18. It’s about John the Baptist. (“He will bring back many of the people of Israel to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”) As I read this, I just prayed that the Lord would give us a child like that – one who would bring many people to the Lord. On New Year’s Day, as the church service was going on, Daniel looked at me and said, “We are going to have a child this year.” Months passed, and it was in the month of May that we found I was pregnant.

That brought mixed feelings in me – Excitement, joy, fear, anxiety. How am I going to go through the childbirth part? I’ve heard much about the ‘unbearable labour pain’. When I cringe in other kinds of pain, I’ve sometimes had older women ask me, “if you are not able to bear this pain, how are going to bear labour pain?” I too had that question in mind. Early in my pregnancy, I had to make a choice. I will have to worry about the impending labour pain for the rest of my pregnancy or cast my worry on the Lord and just enjoy the pregnancy moment by moment. But, I didn’t know what to pray for. Should I pray for a painless delivery or a shorter labour? The verse which says, “By thee have I been holden up from the womb; thou are he that took me out of my mother’s bowels: my praise shall be continually of thee.” (Psalm 71:6) was a great encouragement. Now, I knew what to pray for. I just asked that God’s Presence would be real during the delivery.

Whenever I was faced with questions, discouragement or physical weakness, it was God’s Word that uplifted me. I learnt some of my pregnancy lessons from the life of Elizabeth, John’s mom. Some people who prayed over me quoted verses about John the Baptist. I just thought to myself that our baby should be named John, if it’s a boy. When we found out we’re having a boy, we decided to name him ‘John’. Danny suggested ‘Baruch’ after the scribe of prophet Jeremiah.

12/12/12 was the day I was admitted in the hospital. It was around 9 PM, when I started to feel the pain, though contractions had begun in the afternoon (pardon me, if you are not familiar with these terms. Anyway, it might be good to know them. Perhaps, it will be of use later on). In the hospital, women in labour are offered an epidural (pain relieving medicine injected into the spine). Most women take an epidural. Though I am not against taking an epidural, Danny had encouraged me that I could do it naturally with God’s strength. I had told my nurses that I don’t want an epidural; but I might change my mind about that. The pain started getting intense. Danny stood by me, encouraging me, playing Praise and Worship music, praying and reciting Scripture verses. I kept asking the nurses, “how much longer will it take?” As the pain started increasing, I had a thought about taking some kind of pain relief. Just then the nurse examined me and said I am almost ready to deliver. If it’s going to be just some more time, why bother with the pain medication? Then came the long awaited moment at 01:08 AM – and there he was! A little squealing human being drenched in blood and fluids. Tears of joy filled my eyes as all those moments of pain just faded away in the joy of holding my little baby.

On the day of birth

Four months have gone by so quickly, and it’s fun being a mom – though it’s not very easy. Trusting in the Lord to help me be the godly mom that He wants me to be, not a perfect super-mom that I wish I could be!!

A recent picture