Friday, September 24, 2021

The Best Time to Pray

 At times, when I listen to a sermon, I drift into resolution mode. Not on New Years’, no special occasion, and most often the preacher is not asking for a commitment, but I start thinking to myself, I need to spend more time in prayer and Bible reading. So, the sermon has really done what it is supposed to, hasn’t it? And then I also resolve to wake up early in the morning, so I can spend uninterrupted time in prayer and meditating on the Word of God. Some preachers even spell it out: early mornings are the best times to pray. Wake up early in the morning and spend a couple of hours praying. Woo! I love the idea. And here I am, all pumped up, ready to wake up at 5:30 the next morning. The night before, I set my alarm to 5:30, and I try to get to bed early, so I would get enough rest. Some days I succeed, other days, not so much. Even if I manage to get to bed on time, I am turning and tossing on the bed, because I am not used to sleeping at that hour. The alarm rings the next morning, and my body doesn’t quite like the idea of getting out of bed yet. I try again the next day, and the next, and then I give up. If I do manage to do some early mornings, I get distracted easily or doze off in prayer.

This cycle has repeated more times than I can count. I do pray, at least once a day, but my best times with God have not usually been in the wee hours of the day. Some days, I have been foolish enough to think, if I miss one morning, the next best time to come before God is the next morning. I am not denying the value of early morning quiet or an intentional time. As a stay-at-home mom, I know the demands of my day can easily pull my attention from one thing to another, before I realize I haven’t sat with God. So setting aside an intentional time is definitely valuable.

But, my view of prayer changes when I look at it as not a mere religious duty that I would either feel proud of fulfilling or feel guilty of missing. At some of my low moments, I have wondered if my entire relationship with the Lord hinges on my ability to wake up early in the morning. And then I remember His invitation is open, even to me, at any time of the day or night! "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Jesus clarifies (in v30) that He is referring to rest for our souls. And I think the 'heavy burden' mentioned here represents the man-made religious duties we so struggle to check off the list. Let me explain how I got that. When Jesus rebukes the scribes and Pharisees at a different time, He says: "They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on people's shoulders." (Matthew 23:4). From the context of Matthew 23, it is clear that Jesus was talking about religious obligations that are imposed by religious leaders, not by God's Word.

Of course, prayer is not imposed by people, but a beautiful privilege God has opened up for all His people to talk to Him. In fact, Paul exhorts believers to pray continually (I Thess. 5:17)! But, when our good desire for an intentional time becomes a burden, prayer turns out to be a dull duty rather than a relationship-refresher. So when is the best time to pray? Morning? Evening? Late night? And my answer is, right now! Pray to him right now, as you are reading, as you are working, as you are convicted of that sin, as you realize you need His help. His ears are always open to our call. What a privilege!

Finally, a couple of practical tips for those of you like me, who have a hard time staying focussed while praying: I keep my eyes open while praying. Sounds contrary to what we've been told, but when I close my eyes, I find the chances are higher for my mind to stray elsewhere or even doze off. Another thing I have found helpful is writing down what I pray for. It is usually a list, but sometimes it could spin off to a poem of praise or a paragraph of prayer. What are some practical tips you would like to share? Please mention in the Comments section.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Towards Dependence

When I teach my children new skills, I intend for them to learn it and be able to do it themselves. When they were babies, I had to do every single thing for them, but as they grow older, my job as a parent is to teach them to do things independently. My 8-year old doesn't ask me for a cup of water every single time he is thirsty, my 6-year old doesn't ask for help to get dressed, and my 3-year old knows where to find his shoes. We appreciate this kind of independence, but this is not the way it works in our relationship with God.

Does God want us to be independent as we get confident in our new-found skills? I don't think so. As we take up that task we are not so confident in, those of us who know God would probably pray and ask for his help. But what happens as days go by? We probably get used to doing this task, we're getting better at it, and we don't have that same reliance on the Lord as we first did.

My kids and I are going through the part about the Israelites' journey through the Promised Land in our morning Bible time. As I narrate the Bible stories to my sons, I am amazed by the ability of this one man to lead the huge bunch of grumbling, complaning Israelites through an unpredictable wilderness. While it is no simple task to be a leader in any capacity, what stands out to me most at this time is Moses' dependence on God.

He seems to have mastered the habit of taking every situation to the Lord. Pharaoh's heart hardened? He called out to God. The Israelites grumbling against him? He cried out to God (Exodus 17:4). Feeling disappointed? He went to the Lord (Exodus 5:22). Did he have a request? He asked the Lord (Exodus 8:12). Faced by a problem? He took it to the Lord (Exodus 15:25). He even interceded on behalf of the very people who kept complaining against him (Exodus 32:11). What a great response! He didn't think of himself as a great and experienced leader, able to handle things himself. Instead, he recognized he was out there just doing what his Master has called him out to do. And Moses knew, the best way to do it is God's way.

As we experience more of the Lord, may we grow in our dependence on Him. Like Moses, let us go to Him in every situation -- joy, sorrow, fear, disappointment, shame, anger, embarassment, pain, guilt, everything! There is nothing He cannot handle. Yes, He loves to listen to us, and He is only a thought away.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)