Saturday, June 16, 2012

Not Our Things, Anyway

We live in a nice, compact, one-bedroom apartment. When we arrived, the only furniture available were a bed, a wooden chair and a small old cupboard. That was good enough for the two of us. We could comfortably sit on the carpeted floor with our legs stretched. Of course, we had all the home appliances. But, we could not invite anyone home. Where would we ask them to sit? Not on the floor! Since our stay in the US is temporary, we decided not to spend much on furniture. However, we needed something basic – at least to invite friends home.

It was a Saturday morning, just three weeks after we had come to the US. Our new friends (we had just met them the previous day) came home. They live in the same apartment complex and they were introduced to us by a common friend. They work among Indian students and they have been helping them set up their apartments. So, they get a lot of used furniture. They said they could give us some of that furniture. That would help us! Within the next one hour, our apartment was furnished with couches, a working table, television and much more than we thought we need. We did not have to pay a cent!

That day, we thought about the people who would have actually paid for those things. These things probably belong to different people – we do not know who they are. I wonder if they would even know we’re using those things now. But, they had the heart to let go of those material things, which is a blessing to us. That reminded us that not only is our stay in the US temporary, but also our stay in this world. After all, we are not going to carry any of our ‘belongings’ with us! So, why get attached to anything on earth? Our destination is heavenly. “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” (Luke 16:9)

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